Become a top 5% Game Producer.




Join hundreds of students to accelerate the growth of your career as a top game producer.

This is the system we used to ship dozens of projects to 100m players worldwide.


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What People Are Saying
We've Worked With

What will you learn inside?




Game Production Today

  • Learn the traps that producers fall into
  • What you should be focusing on instead (that nobody told you)




The Holistic Leadership Model

  • The formula that can get you unstuck
  • Why process is often ineffective
  • Solving problems "under the hood"
  • Understanding Leadership vs Management
  • How to impact culture and product vision




The 3 Pillars of the Producer Role

  • How to build your influence & wield it for your team
  • How to communicate effectively, NOT just move information around
  • How to make effective decisions to move the project forward




Tools for Common Challenges

  • Defining & running effective meetings
  • Retaking control of your calendar
  • Tools for managing stakeholders
  • Practical tips for dysfunctional environments


Don't take our word for it though...

 Game Producers are focusing on the wrong work. It’s crippling their teams and the games they are struggling to make, not to mention their careers.

95+% of games fail.

Great Game Production can beat those odds - we'll teach you how.

🔑 Access for $399!

Learn from Expert Producers who've led hundreds of developers and dozens of teams to great game products.

Ben & Aaron spent over a decade at Riot Games shipping to 100m players in 8+ regions internationally. They will share they system they used with you to accelerate YOUR career.


🔑 Access for $399!

We've been there...

  • Asking leaders around us what good looks like to receive vague answers
  • Being told in performance review to just "keep at it".
  • Finding little available in terms of support or education.

We learned the hard way, and we want to share the secret sauce with you...

  • It’s not about working harder
  • You can’t solve it with the best plan or JIRA dashboard
  • Even experienced producers don't really know why they are effective 

We know it's a struggle so we built a course just for you.



After this course, you’ll have:

  • A clear understanding of what a producer is there to do
  • Clear actions to take to increase your visibility and fast-track your career
  • Techniques that will help your team focus and deliver the games and products your players want

Enroll Now and get:

  • 5+ hours of "at your own pace" videos on becoming better producers
  • Templates to help you day to day in your work as a producer

  • Worksheets to help solidify the learning and create action

  • Access to an exclusive community of producers taking the course

🔑 Access for $399!

If you’re ready to stop grinding away without result and start building better games with your team, register for this course. It will change how you lead and what you deliver.

🔑 Access for $399!


Remember: there’s always a reason not to do something. Don’t fall back into the normal frustrations and production traps that are holding you, your team, and your career back. Learn the skills needed to thrive as a producer in games.